Brady Leavold
"Former Pro Hockey Player
Keynote Speaker, Coach & Mentor
Passionate Advocate for Change"
Brady Leavold’s journey has inspired hundreds of thousands—both through his online videos and in-person speaking events. His powerful story of recovery, resilience, and vulnerability has created a ripple effect, giving countless others the courage to find their own strength and voice. Brady believes that real change happens when people help people. By empowering one person at a time to embrace vulnerability, he is proving that no one is ever alone.

Brady Leavold has quickly become one of Canada's most requested keynote speakers and has become the face of mental health in the hockey community. Brady is a retired professional hockey player who struggled immensely with mental health and substance abuse issues that stemmed from early childhood trauma. After being prescribed oxycontin, Brady lost everything, eventually ending up homeless on Vancouvers notorious downtown east side and after nearly a year on the street Brady found himself in behind bars, a place he never
thought he could ever be. After over a decade in addiction Brady finally found hope and the strength to finally share his truth and has been recovering out loud, inspiring thousands a long the way since February of 2020.
A story of struggle and hopelessness could have ended a lot differently, countless overdoses and suicide attempts could have cut his story short. When it comes to lived experience it does not get any more raw and real than the story of Brady Leavold. In March of 2020 Leavold started sharing his journey through his podcast Hockey 2 Hell And Back and eventually social media platforms like Instagram,
Facebook and Tik Tok quickly becoming a notable influencer who has inspired hundreds of thousands with his videos.
Brady was raised in Port Coquitlam B.C. primarily by his father Brian. Brady was introduced to hockey at the ripe age of 4 and instantly fell in love with it. Shortly after finding his passion for hockey, Leavold was faced with two of the most challenging events of his life. At the age of 5, his parents were separated and just. months later he was sexually abused. This changed the course of his life forever. After nearly a decade off the ice, Brady is now active in the coaching world, working with current NHL players and all ages in between. Brady is originally from Port Coquitlam B.C but now resides in Muskoka, Ontario with his family. Over the last 3 years Brady has shared his story on many different stages all across Canada always leaving the audience with a lasting impression, feeling inspired towards advocacy for mental health, be it their own or the wellness of others. Brady is the founder of Puck Support, igniting change in mental health and substance misuse by setting the hockey world in motion. The Puck Support Corporation is a hockey clothing line dedicated to all the hockey players who have tragically lost their lives related to mental health and or substance use. Thousands of people across North America wear Puck Support with messages like "Mental Health Over Hockey" which has ignited powerful conversations in hockey arenas, schools and work places across the globe. Brady is also the founder of The Puck Support Network, a Canadian registered Non-Profit organization that is geared towards educating and also supporting those individuals who may be battling mental health or substance use problems.
Brady's story has the power to change lives. He has worked with many organizations and notable companies. His story has been featured in some of the largest news and sporting outlets around North America and Europe. Brady's passion for helping others shines bright daily as he continues sharing his story with true vulnerability. Once you hear his story, you will never forget it.